The Best of Excerpts #1

“If you understand that all things change constantly, there is nothing you will hold on to, all things change. If you aren’t afraid of dying, there is nothing you can’t do. Trying to control the future is like trying to take the place of the master carpenter. When you handle the Master Carpenter’s tools, chances are that you’ll cut your hand. “

Struggling (p.1)

Love how struggles first break us, completely, and then help us reborn, better than before, stronger than before, wiser than before.

Letting Go (prt. 1)

At first you cry, but then, slowly, after some time, you start feeling better, you start smiling again, and you realize that this smile, is more genuine, lighter, and happier than the previous one. This smile just feels so good, so much better. This is what letting go of toxic people does to you andContinueContinue reading “Letting Go (prt. 1)”

Melancholy vs. Euphoria

Hey everyone, back here after a break (once again). Hope you are all doing well!! So all the writers might be able to relate to the fact that writing needs a zone, i mean there’s a time when you’re just sitting there thinking about stuff but you are unable to put them into words. And thenContinueContinue reading “Melancholy vs. Euphoria”

Tribute to Robin Williams #MondayMotivation

A small video was made by a fan after Robin Williams left this world in 2014. The beautiful compilation of clips from his movies and his speech playing in the background is simply beautiful  – giving me goosebumps and a new hope to live a spectacular life everytime i watch it, makes me want toContinueContinue reading “Tribute to Robin Williams #MondayMotivation”