The Best of Excerpts #1

“If you understand that all things change constantly, there is nothing you will hold on to, all things change. If you aren’t afraid of dying, there is nothing you can’t do. Trying to control the future is like trying to take the place of the master carpenter. When you handle the Master Carpenter’s tools, chances are that you’ll cut your hand. “

This excerpt above is just so beautiful innit?

I mean, life becomes so simple and easy if we start accepting life as it is. Easier said than done, i know..But trust me it works, and it will take everything before you actually start accepting things as they are, but once you reach that point, everything looks so beautiful, because at this point, you know how to be happy and content with whatever you have.

Haven’t fully reached that point but i’ve experienced the feeling, and it’s beautiful…Still working to keep improving. I really hope that we start teaching this to our kids from a very young age, so when they grow up and life punching them in the face, they know how to accept it, and step back up. They know what compromise is, what struggles are, and what happiness is, they know what life is.

Excerpt taken from the book “A million little pieces” by James Frey

Published by Mahroosaraza, a dynamo, a shrinking violet, an Ambivert.

Traveler, photographer, blogger, social worker, marketer.

3 thoughts on “The Best of Excerpts #1

  1. Beautiful book, Beautiful Excerpt and Great explanation.

    Yes it’s true how life can’t be perfect and sometimes we have to do stuff against normalcy.

    You know one of the things I learnt from a recent talk was to accept the imperfection. Imperfect teams, imperfect results, imperfect execution – unless you can accept the imperfection you can’t do anything.


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