The Best of Excerpts #1

“If you understand that all things change constantly, there is nothing you will hold on to, all things change. If you aren’t afraid of dying, there is nothing you can’t do. Trying to control the future is like trying to take the place of the master carpenter. When you handle the Master Carpenter’s tools, chances are that you’ll cut your hand. “

Heart Out #1

How tragic and unfortunate and heartbreaking it is – not being able to talk to someone – while having that person around, knowing that you have memories of times spent together – a friendship that is the best of its kind and then suddenly whoosh! All gone! How quickly life changes no? Though we allContinueContinue reading “Heart Out #1”

Struggling (p.1)

Love how struggles first break us, completely, and then help us reborn, better than before, stronger than before, wiser than before.