The Best of Excerpts #1

“If you understand that all things change constantly, there is nothing you will hold on to, all things change. If you aren’t afraid of dying, there is nothing you can’t do. Trying to control the future is like trying to take the place of the master carpenter. When you handle the Master Carpenter’s tools, chances are that you’ll cut your hand. “

Struggling (p.1)

Love how struggles first break us, completely, and then help us reborn, better than before, stronger than before, wiser than before.

Melancholy vs. Euphoria

Hey everyone, back here after a break (once again). Hope you are all doing well!! So all the writers might be able to relate to the fact that writing needs a zone, i mean there’s a time when you’re just sitting there thinking about stuff but you are unable to put them into words. And thenContinueContinue reading “Melancholy vs. Euphoria”

Finding peace #1

Why do we always want to go to far-fetched places to find peace & beauty? Why is – going to a distant place always considered as a holiday. I have always been a keen lover of traveling and have always been someone who believes that traveling teaches us a lot, traveling to places takes usContinueContinue reading “Finding peace #1”

First time ever!!

Have you ever had that feeling? When you feel scared? Scared of doing something that you’ve always wanted to do? Scared not in the literal sense of the word, but in a sense that you’re unable to put in words, you just feel that strange, weird kind of scared. You feel butterflies in your stomach,ContinueContinue reading “First time ever!!”

Euphoria or Melancholy?

What vibe does this picture give to you? I took this picture back in 2017, in winters, on Mushkpuri Top. This picture is really close to my heart, for some reasons unknown, and whenever i look at it, it makes me feel something deep inside, and the feeling i might not be able to expressContinueContinue reading “Euphoria or Melancholy?”

Celebrating heartbreak

There are days when you get busy in life, so busy you almost forget the other part of you life. Then there are days when you feel tired and worn-out, exhausted and burned-out, when you don’t want to work anymore. Finding solace in silence, quiet places, looking for antidotes for all the blood-sucking thoughts, struggling toContinueContinue reading “Celebrating heartbreak”

Travel Diaries #8

” A quite girl sitting in a corner unnoticed, noticed the world, moving unknowingly to a place unseen, Left with a void in her heart, some kind of emptiness she felt, The silence that was once unbearable, was now all that she could she could bear, There has been some kind of disturbance, sheer disturbance,ContinueContinue reading “Travel Diaries #8”