Love! What about Love?

Do we really care about others or it’s just “us” who we’re really worried about? because if it really was for others, we wouldn’t feel hurt if someone decides not to talk to us right? We should be happy if the other person is happy this way, but we somehow fail to accept that someone doesn’t want to talk to us. So who do we love more? Us or the people we claim to “love”?


Please give your reviews on “Love”, something so abstract – open to all kinds of interpretations. How do you see it?

Can we only love someone unconditionally after attaining something called “Selflessness” or is it possible to do it without being self-less?


The picture in this blog has been taken from:

Published by Mahroosaraza, a dynamo, a shrinking violet, an Ambivert.

Traveler, photographer, blogger, social worker, marketer.

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